Important: If you want to have something sent to the Haus der Jugend, you need an okay from Delphine or Elian (please cc us both in an email). If the things have to be returned, make an arrangement that someone picks them up after the conference. Once it is agreed, place it here in this list. Everything not in the list will be ignored and returned ;-P

Deliveries should go (not before Monday 1st August) to

Haus der Jugend
Wikimania - z.Hd. Elisabeth Bauer
Deutschherrnufer 12
D-60594 Frankfurt
Phone: 0173/ 355 86 45 (in case a phone number is needed)
Expected deliveries
Content Sender/Contact person Recipient/What to do with it Scheduled for... Return arrangement
400 Wikireader (Cris Fraenkel) arrived 4th august none
CDs, Flyers, 2,3 Banners for the party Sun (Regina Steyer, (+49 2102) 4511-648) arrived/for display at the party Monday to Wednesday 9th tuesday by Kurier
O'Reilly books Corina Lange <> arrived Monday? none
DVDs, CDs, t-shirts, paperclips, the Intel-Publikums-Award, etc. Kurt Jansson arrived Monday none
2 Fahnen (2 x 1,5 m) akl Wednesday to be decided (property of the Wikimedia Foundation)
1.000 Mappen arrived/akl Wednesday to be decided
Handouts for Places&Spaces Exibition Katy Börner by FedEx nichtich/Jakob Voss jakob jakob