Seeded with old Berlin/Frankfurt discussions.
get advice from others
one of the main audiences is us! get people we want to advise us to come do so in a public presentation.
highlight collaboration, multilingualism, news/blogging, schools... (see Internal:Organisation/Program for more details)
What we have access to when; Fermi problems of coordination
Number of speakers
- 1 large room, ~3 other semilarge ones.
- 8 sessions a day per room, half individuals, half 2-speaker panels; 3 rooms in use, on average, 2.5 days : 8 x 3 x 2.5 x 1.5 = [90]
- 5 speaker sessions a day per room, half 2-speaker panels, 2 rooms avg in use, 2 days = 5 x 2 x 2 x 1.5 = [30]
- courtyard, many small rooms : personal scheduling...
- Who could be sponsors? Brockhaus, MS?
- How to schedule sponsorship? 10k/1k, what kind of advertising?
- get advice from john at Ac-Change
- Wikimania Sponsors (Google, Yahoo, IBM, IBM Germany, Nokia, O'Reilly, JotSpot, SocialText, BBC, Heise, Mandrake, MySQL)
- 30 speakers : travel ; half .8, half .4 : 18. room: half w/volunteers, 1/4 in hostel (.1 for 2 nights), 1/4 elsewhere (.2 for 2 nights) :
- Translation
- "Babels" - yann knows this group; they offer free volunteer translations. see sam, above.
- # of langs : 1 signer? 3 other core langs?
- survey to see what langs we can get?
- translation of the event. write sam: for more.
- Interpreters (explore possibilities), real-time into 2-3 languages
- speakers speaking in non-English langs: daisy-chain interpreters?
For a general theme; discussion groups; even a talk.
- Erschgruber... (worst failure in Brockhaus history; the lemma index had 8 volumes)
- Espaca... 900k entries?