Internal:Room planning

Preconference 30th July to 3rd August

  • Gardenhouse Basement: setup network
  • Gardenhouse 1st Floor: organization team
  • Tagungsraum E11: 20 in a U-shape or classroom (55 m²)
  • double rooms: 4
  • three-bed rooms: 3
  • in sum: 20 beds

During conference 4th to 8th August

  • single: 1
  • single t/s: 4
  • double: 12
  • double t/s: 40
  • threebed t/s: 4
  • fourbed: 114
  • fourbed t/s: 19
  • 8-bed: 40

Conference rooms

  • Großer Saal: 400 (325 m²)
  • Kleiner Saal: 100 (105 m²)
  • Tagungsraum E11: max 50 (55 m²) (depending on arrangement of chairs)
  • Tagungsraum E10: 24 (29 m²)
  • Tagungsraum E12: 16 (29 m²)
  • Terassensaal (starting friday morning): community room 170 (170 m²)
  • Tagungsraum 311 (on the third floor, speakers room) 16 (29 m²)
  • Gartenhaus: Organisation 24 (32 m²)
  • Gartenhaus-UG: NOC 16 (29 m²)


Accomodation for the organization team and some others.

Organization team

Add yourself here if you need a bed and the date of your arrival/departure.

Arriving on the 30th
  • Jimbo (30 July - 9 August)
  • notafish (Arrive on Saturday 30th, Tuesday Aug. 9th)
  • Austin (7/28–8/9)
  • Sj (7/30–)
  • Elian (saturday, july 30 - tuesday, august 9)
  • akl (saturday, july 30 - tuesday, august 9)
  • James F. (Saturday 30th July – Tuesday 9th August)
  • Ryo (Arrive on Saturday 30th, Tuesday Aug. 9th)
  • Sam (Arrive on Saturday 30th, Tuesday Aug. 9th)
Arriving on the 31st
  • Kurt Jansson (tries to arrive on sunday, july 31)
Arriving on the 2nd
  • Kyle Lutze, +1 (august 2-9)
Arriving on the 3rd
  • Jakob (wednesday, august 3th - Monday august 8th)
Arriving on the 4th
  • Angela & Erik (August 4-9)
  • Bdk (arrive on August 4th)
Arriving ... sometime
  • Anthere
  • Brion
  • Hanno Wagner
  • Jörg Hoh
  • Midom


Does anyone have an idea how many speakers we have to host and how demanding they are?

  • I would guess 15 non-Wikimedian speakers, who need their own housing. We can save 3 singles in the JHb for them, and 12 rooms in hotels. Sj
    • I would prefer to house all non-Wikimedian speakers in the hotel(s) because we have only a few single/doubles in the hostel (and some speakers might think they are second class if they won't sleep in a hotel). Akl
      • agreed, we should keep the HdJ rooms for the organisation team in the first place, we'll want to be "on the spot". notafish }<';> 09:02, 31 Mar 2005 (UTC)
    • What do you think, how long will the external speakers stay? I doubt they will all stay for four days/nights. Akl
  • I would further guess 15-20 Wikimedian/other wiki-community speakers and panelists, who we can house with everyone else; perhaps in doubles. However, we should also have extra rooms in the nearby hotels for emergencies. Sj
    • Which emergencies do you think of? Akl

There are two hotels nearby (200/800 meters to the Haus der Jugend):

  • Note further that some Wikimedians will prefer to stay in hotels. Sj

More hotels (from all categories) are around the central station (4 kilometers)