Coordination of acceptance letters, et al : at Internal:Speakers/Categories

All submissions are listed on abstracts. Please put you shortcut under accept or reject. At Categories submissions are sortes for accept or reject.


  1. Regularly have a look at OTRS cfp-queque
  2. Finish accepted message template
  3. Create a Template at the Proceedings for accepted ones
  4. Determine which people really need funding (please add priority)
  5. Send rejected or accepted message
  6. Announce and find more people to help

Speakers: potential | abstracts | reject | accept | Categories | List | Timetable

See also: Internal:Call for papers, speakers invitation template, standard response

Names: A=Angela, JW=Jimbo, EM=Erik, P=Patrick, J=Jakob, SJ=SJ

+        accepts
=        maybe
-        declined
.        no response
?        no message sent

Wikimedia Community

Wait for CFP results before recruiting people, except perhaps for legal panel:

  • Aurevilly, Michael Snow, other Wikipedians
    soufron? "must speak about something" (promised to submit 2 talks, --elian)


Reference works

  • Britannica : Jimbo's EB biz cards [JW?]
    Jimbo's co-speaker form June ALA conference [JW?]
    Tim Bray [SJ] (-)
    Brockhaus [presroi] (-)
    Encarta (Gary Alt?)
  • Mirrors?
  • H2G2 [A?]
  • PlanetMath
  • MathWorld
  • Bamber Gascoigne / history encyclopedia [A?]
  • WordNet
  • Organizers of big national encyclos (Chile, Iceland, Holland?)

eLearning, journals

Libraries, museums, archives

  • ALA, 'net librarians : Jessamyn West [SJ] (perhaps)
  • LoC... Frankfurt-area/German national libraries, museums
  • Brewster Kahle [SJ.]
  • Ismail Serageldin (Lib of Alexandria) [A?]
  • German Library Assoc. [P?]
  • Paul Ginsparg [SJ] (resend)
  • Project Gutenberg [A?], Distributed Proofreaders [D?]
  • Lars Aronsson (Runeberg) [J?]
  • Paula from BBC archive [A?]
  • Tutorial on library classification systems [J, P?]
  • Long-term preservation [J, P?]


  • FreeDB
  • PubMED


(Citizen) Journalism

  • Jay Rosen, NYU journalism prof [SJ] (pending)
  • Dan Gillmor [EM?]
  • Indymedia, preferably non-western
  • OhMyNews


  • David Winer
  • Joi Ito / Technorati [EM?]
  • Iran:
  • Jon Udell
    Meanwhile, I've learned that my wife has a conflicting business travel thing then, and it's her turn, so I might be here on childcare duty. I'll know more in a week or so.
    Regards, Jon
    Sj 00:25, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Edu, Research, Academia

  • Tim Voelker
  • IBM History flow: Martin Wattenberg [?, SJ] (mayyybe/no)
  • Physicists: t'Hooft [x, SJ]
    "Though I can't come to the Frankfurt conference, I am sympathetic towards the Wikipedia project. where does the name come from?" Replied. Sj 00:26, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Economics: Jeremy Tobacman [., SJ] (maybe)
  • Law : Yochai Benkler [SJ]
    • James Grimmelmann [x, SJ] (conflict)
  • Collaboration: Vala (from it:), German academic papers
  • Other: Andrew Lih
  • Ross Mayfield, WeMedia
  • Sociology: ?
  • Marketing/Communication: Robert (from auburnwiki) [SJ] (paper solicitation)

Free Online Scholarship

  • Open Archives Initiative / Open Access Movement
    • OAI and Peter Suber [J, OTRS]
  • IBM/First Monday: Andrea Siphillaley?, Martin Lawthenberg, Fernanda [A?]


Search, directories

  • ODP [A?]

Social tagging, metadata

  • - lead developer?
  • Clay Shirky [EM?]
  • Flickr
  • MusicBrainz [J?]
  • Lessig [SJ], Moglen [EM.]
  • Gov't lawyers: Bundeszentrale? [presroi, now?]
  • Till Jaeger [EL?]
  • Gabriele Beger [P+] about Digital Rights and international copyright law (best on friday)

Multilingualism, Translation

  • Sign language: Wolfgang Georgsdorfer [E?]
  • Esperantists [SJ] (interest; conflicting conference)
  • Multiliingual wikipedians; panelists? Arno, et al.
  • Ono Susumu (Tamil - Japanese efforts) [SJ .-]
  • Ethiopic, getting the language online ( [SJ] (resend)
  • Language Preservation / Linguistic Diversity (Lots of links here)


  • JotWiki: who? [JW?]
  • Socialtext: Ross [SJ] / Peter (better?) [SJ .], Sunir [EM]
  • Directmedia : who?


  • MW devs : Brion. TimSt, can he come? who else?
  • Ward Cunninghame [SJ] (ye...)
  • TWiki, Peter Thoenen [EM?]
  • MoinMoin, Thomas Waldmann [EM?]
  • Thomas Sporer ( ) [J, OTRS] - knowledgebay is a project founded by students who record and collect lectures with audio and video.

Developing World

  • OSI : EthanZ? [JW?]
  • People from every project/lang
  • Wizzy Digital Courier: Andy Rabagliati [SJ]
  • Censorship panel... who?
  • Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul or other gov't official [presroi?]
  • UNDP [J?]
  • Global Voices [joi?]
  • Böll-Stiftung [P?]
  • Ask Miguel De Icaza, RMS for contacts

Free culture, Copyright, Politics

  • Richard Stallman [SJ] (not a keynote invite)
  • Lessig/Moglen, again (See above)
  • David Weinberger [SJ .=]
  • Tim B-Lee [SJ] (a paper solicitation) (JW could do this, since he knows TimBL)
  • Joerg Tauss, other de politicians [Elian]
  • Linus Torvalds [EM.]

General / Ideas

  • Volker Grassmuck
  • Karl La-Grange (W3C)
  •, ?
  • Dev-world : Danny?
  • Keynotes: Stallman?
  • Business: Community-promotion expert?
  • Deathmatch: D. Gelernter [SJ], Tim Berners-Lee, Linus Torvalds
  • Ralf Szymanski, Kilian Kißling from Directmedia about the production process of the german wikipedia CD and DVD [Elian] - invited & seem interested

HackFest potentials and abstracts

  • Magnus! on nunupedia, whiteboards, et al.
  • Tim Starling. Devs outside Germany. Kate?
EK-CD2 Eugene Kim & Chris Dent Transclusion: PurpleWiki implementation and history none sj FEATURES They have lots of experience with this; getting it to work standalone, with movabletype, on various systems. Lots of background conceptual work with Engelbart et al.
TING1 ?? Simultaneous editing of wikifiles none - FEATURES Some TING developer should come speak about this, how it is growing, roadmaps for it and for integration... standard wiki features it is hard to implement in simul-mode.
IC1 ?? Fen Labalme? a coder. Identity sharing and verification. Identity Commons et al; related XDI/2idi APIs none sj FEATURES ...
MW1 Brion + N? MediaWiki roadmap : priorities, plans, ideas, deadlines for the coming year none - MEDIAWIKI A good source of discussion and on-wiki/on-list debate before the conference. Sj