FA1: Frank Antwerpes

Title: Talking about money. (ID FA1)

  • Language: English | License: GFDL
  • Room size:
  • Category:
  • type: Workshop
  • Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
  • Budget priority: {{{budget}}}

Author[s]: Frank Antwerpes.

  • Contact: frank@antwerpes.de [OTRS]
  • Contacted by:
  • (From: | available days: any)

Wikipedia is proud of being a non-profit organization. However, relying completely on non-profit aspects has its pitfalls: Authors may loose interest, legal support has to be financed and hosting costs may explode. Questions from the financial side are: How can Wikipedia earn its infrastructure costs without loosing its open-source face? And how can commercial companies be moved to support the idea of free knowledge?

This workshop is looking for ideas, how the long-term financing of Wikipedia could be managed without meeting „the dark side of the force“.

About the author[s]: Dr. Frank Antwerpes is the CEO of DocCheck, a company running a German open source medical dictionnary (http://flexicon.doccheck.com) based on Wikimedia.

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept:
Elian (interesting topic not treated anywhere/acceptance should depend on the sponsoring deal).
I believe it is a most needed topic. People involved in local chapters and Board should really consider participating in this workshop, even if not in the "main-stream" program. I strongly support it. notafish
  • reject:PD, EM (no thanks), JV (nothing against flexicon, but this workshop is not needed), AB
  • status: