GV1 : Global Voices Panel

Title: (Empowering Global Voices: Wikis as a tool for empowerment and meme transmission) (ID GV1)

  • Language: English | License:
  • Room size: Medium
  • Category:
  • type: Panel
  • Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
  • Budget priority: {{{budget}}}

Author[s]: Hossein Derakhshan, Isaac Mao, Achal Prabhala, Kasper Souren, et al..

  • Contact: [OTRS]
  • Contacted by: SJ
  • (From: | available days: ?)

Cheap web publishing is emerging as the dominant channel for distributing and finding individual perspectives in parts of the world with little or no independent media, even in regions with little or no technological infrastructure. The philosophy of wikis provides a way to clarify subtle cultural memes and differences with a modicum of effort and connectivity, through changing and annotating existing texts.

Related topic: How Wikimedia projects give voice to people in the developing world, helping to rectify a POV slanted towards media centers; a discussion. How WP is used, how people can / would like to contribute. Related projects giving voice to people in those parts of the world. (no full abstract yet; suggested panel with interest)

About the author[s]:

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept: EM (absolutely), AB
  • reject:
  • status: