JK1: geo-coding of Wiki articles Title: geo-coding of Wiki articles (ID JK1)
- Language: | License: ?
- Room size:
- Category: Wikimaps
- type:
- Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
- Budget priority: {{{budget}}}
Author[s]: Jens.Kammann.
- Contact: [OTRS]
- Contacted by: ?
- (From: | available days: ?)
About the author[s]:
Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.
- accept: JV (decide together with all wikimaps-submissions - perhaps a panel or track)
- reject: EM (the least interesting of the geo submissions - it seems to be a theoretical presentation of what already exists practically in the form of Egil's GIS extension), AB (I don't think we need a whole panel on geo-coding)
- status: