OC1: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Title: Hackffiti, All the Web in a Wiki Way (ID OC1)
- Language: Spanish | License: CreativeCommons Attribution Share-Alike
- Room size:
- Category:
- type: Paper/Presentation
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Author[s]: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas.
- Contact: [OTRS]
- Contacted by: no one
- (From: | available days: )
In this short paper I will discuss the colaborative building comunitary knowledge contructs of trying to extend the Wiki Way to all the Web. I will take the approach of the Web as a City. A place where people inhabitate with other people in different "places". This City has being evolving from a place building for others by being passed by making the others just "visitors", to a place to being inhabitate with others making them members (of a Portal for example), to a place for being co-constructed by others making them architects and craftsmen. In this aproach the City is also a text (in a semiotic perspective) and I will talk about Graffiti as a way to change what the city tells to the people in it. In this context finally I propose Hackffiti as a way to change what the "city of the Web" says to another people and as a way to give collaborative authoring an extensive concept trying to address at the same time the not so cool things about graffiti. Some kind of ideas about a technical implementation is discussed in a not so deep fashion.
Keywords: Distributed Cognition, Social Intelligence, Wikis, City Semiotic, Graffiti, Hackffiti
I would attend to the conference if I can get a proper invitation from you or your organization and tramit the proper permissions and get the resources from my University to my travel and other trip issues. Anyway, wold be nice to submit the paper in any case (but if I can travel I will be more motivated :P).
About the author[s]:
Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.
- accept: AB (accept as paper), EM (as paper only, sounds a bit confused), JV (as I understand his university only pays him the travel if his presentation gets accepted, so offer the presentation)
- reject:
- status:
- comments: