SS1: Sunir Shah

Title: Taking wikis back to your office. (ID SS1)

  • Language: English | License: ?
  • Room size: small or medium
  • Category: business
  • type: Presentation
  • Budget requirements: travel from Canada and accommodation, can't come otherwise
  • Budget priority: normal

Author[s]: Sunir Shah.

  • Contact: [OTRS]
  • Contacted by: EM
  • (From: Canada | available days: probably all)

You are revolutionizing the world every day by building Wikipedia. Yet, how often do you find yourself thinking at work, "If only this were Wikipedia?" Why can't you revolutionize your office the same way? All you need to know is how to translate your existing experience with Wikipedia to the workplace. In this talk, not only will strategies to introduce wikis be explained, but applications of wikis to enterprise problems will be demonstrated through examples frequently seen in practice. A special emphasis will be made on how open source wikis make adoption easier than proprietary solutions.

Attendee background: Attendees with experience with wikis that are thinking of introducing wiki practices into their workplaces will benefit the most from this presentation. Additionally, this presentation will be of use to people already using wikis in their workplaces that want to do more with them or improve their adoption.

Objective: Attendees should leave confident they can introduce wikis into their workplaces. Those already using wikis in the workplace should leave with ideas on how to improve adoption rates within their organization.

Format: 30 minute talk with supporting materials, some digital, some physical (to be created). Demonstrations of existing use of Socialtext workspaces will be shown.

Presenter's technical requirements: Overhead data projector, Internet (standard slideshow).

Target audience: Managers, practitioners, change leaders, wikipedians, wikizens.

About the author[s]: Sunir Shah is the Founder and Editor of Meatball, a collective of active practitioners that are experts in wiki usage patterns and design that has supported Wikipedia since its founding. He also works for Socialtext, a company offering social software (including wikis) to large enterprises. At Socialtext, he works to support customers develop better practices for social software adoption and use within their business contexts.

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept: EM, AB, JV, Elian (great speaker)
  • reject:
  • status: