TG4: Thomas Gries, Single log-in

Title: Single user log-in on all Wikis - concepts for a long felt need (ID TG4)

  • Language: English | License:
  • Room size: small
  • Category:
  • type: Workshop
  • Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
  • Budget priority: {{{budget}}}

Author[s]: Thomas Gries.

  • Contact: [OTRS]
  • Contacted by: SJ
  • (From: germany | available days: any)

Several proposals have been filed towards a common log-in and access using one unique username and password. The workshop aims to analysing the existing proposals and to find a feasible and user-friendly solution.

About the author[s]:

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept:
  • reject: AB (may be useful as a discussion during the developer days, but not the main conference)
  • status: rejected